***You’re not getting any of that introduction filler information here. Instead you just read the disclaimer. Now let’s start LEARNING THROUGH CONVERSATION!
**This series is comprised of 2 takes:
“What I thought would happen” VS “What actually happened”
This content is RAW and FRESH as the process goes...
What I thought would happen: || My step 2: pay for the name and get the paperwork
What actually happened: || I applied to register my name and am getting the paperwork all filled out to send to the probate judges office.
Seeing that seal on the certified document was beautifully overwhelming. I felt like I could conquer anything! Absolutely anything! I am so proud of my self! It feels pretty amazing! (ALRIGHT PERSONAL PARTY OVER) Now, on to what will hopefully happen in step 3 which is opening the bank account and adding the funds, as soon as I have the EIN number which I cannot get until Monday at approximately 7 am
What actually happened: || IT IS 7/13/2020 and I attempted to fill out an EIN application twice. They REJECTED my application twice and told me that I needed to fill out a pdf form and fax it in. I am praying that it does not take long to get the information that I want back.
I try to see things as signs of maybe I need to slow down or maybe I need to take a different directions. Sometimes I ask, “God, what are you saying to me right now? I want to hear you and make the right decision.” I don’t want to live in fear. I want to make a million and help the world in the process. I like to work hard and I want to work hard.
I think I need to know what my plan of action is after I get out of debt, because it might come quicker than I realize.
Going to plan now.
IT HAS FINALLY HAPPENED!!!!!! I got my EIN. I am so happy and proud I could literally jump for joy!
Today will be about finalizing the details of the company